HBR News

Important Ag Land Discussion Moves Forward

The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) will hold a series of meetings in April to seek public input in identifying and mapping Oahu’s Important Agricultural Lands (IAL).

Each meeting will run from 5:30-8:30 p.m., and the public is encouraged to attend and offer comments and recommendations. The meeting dates and locations are:

  • April 8, Mililani Middle School Cafeteria, 95-1140 Lehiwa Drive
  • April 15, Windward Community College, Hale Akoakoa Room 105, 45-720 Keaahala Road

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City Budget Holds Steady on Property Taxes

In March, Mayor Kirk Caldwell submitted his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016 to City Council. The Council, led by Chair Ernie Martin, will spend three months analyzing the priorities of the administration, along with the needs of taxpayers. 

The Mayor’s budget continues to focus on core services, repair and maintenance of physical infrastructure, public safety and transportation equity, while cognizant of the need to plan for and invest in the future. His priorities are generally consistent with prior years: repair and resurface roads, enhance bus service, connect rail and bus, plan for transit-oriented development, maintain sewer infrastructure and comply with the global consent decree, and improve our parks and iconic facilities. Last year, the Housing First Program was added as a priority, as well as the conversion of 50,000 streetlights to LED lighting. Since the launch of the Mayor’s affordable housing plan last year, the Mayor’s priorities include initiatives to implement that strategy. All of his priorities address core services and programs, and are intended to build a city that successfully evolves in the 21st century.

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A Message from City Councilmember Trevor Ozawa

Earlier this month, Mayor Kirk Caldwell submitted his budget for Fiscal Year 2016 to the Honolulu City Council. His proposed FY16 Operating Budget is approximately $2.28 billion, reflecting a $139 million increase from the previous year. This represents an increase in spending by approximately 6.5%. The City Council has begun its briefings with city departments to review each department’s budget and assess proposed expenditures for the upcoming year.

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Let the Code Be Your Guide

This is an exciting time for the Honolulu Board of REALTORS® with Suzanne Young’s recent selection as our new chief executive officer. I look forward to working closely with her and her staff to continue to improve our great organization for the benefit of all of you. To Rochelle Lee Gregson, once again, thank you for your extraordinary service to us for the past decade. We will certainly miss you.

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