HBR News

Bill Provides Incentives for Homeless Services

Council Member Carol Fukunaga introduced Bill 82 to establish a real property tax incentive program for the development of homeless solutions. The bill offers licensed contractors, professional engineers, architects, surveyors, and landscape architects a credit for the value of in-kind contributions provided to a nonprofit organization or the City for the development of homeless facilities or support services on the island.

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Council Hearing Expected to Move Rail Transit Funding Forward

The Legislative Matters Committee of the Honolulu City Council will hear multiple bills and resolutions to address funding issues related to completing rail, including the 2018 Rail Recovery Plan to be submitted to the Federal Transit Authority (FTA). Immediately following the committee hearing, City Council will meet to consider third reading and approval of the measures.

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Bill 60 Sets Penalty for Violation of Stop Work Order

Council Chair Ernie Martin introduced Bill 60 to provide the Department of Planning and Permitting with the tools to enforce citations for stop work orders, which some contractors and homeowners have ignored in their quest to build “monster homes.” The bill would make it a misdemeanor subject to fines and penalties including $2,000 and up to a year in jail. Chair Martin acknowledged at the hearing that this bill goes above and beyond just monster homes but those violations have been the most egregious.

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