MLS Data

Whether you are looking to create an individual website or in need of a brokerage data solution, HiCentral MLS has the most current and complete MLS data for the island of Oahu.

HiCentral MLS engages CoreLogic’s Trestle platform to deliver its data licensing. There are many uses for MLS Data, ranging from IDX and VOW websites to back-office processes and supporting applications like CMAs, CRMs, Statistics, etc.

We will outline the typical parties involved in MLS Data usage. There are fundamentally 4, which are the Tech Providers, Agents, Brokerages, and the Multi Listing Organization (MLO like HiCentral MLS).



Definition: A company that provides real estate related data services using data acquired from an MLO.

  • Step 1 – Establish an account on Trestle.
  • Step 2 – Define a product and assign a dataset to that product. Please see Datasets Offered & Costs below.
  • Step 3 – Add a connection to HiCentral MLS, Ltd. – Honolulu, HI. This will initiate a signature process for our Participant Data Access Agreement whereby 4 parties need to sign (Tech Provider, Brokerage, Agent, and MLO). Once fully executed, your credentials will be activated. You will need a separate agreement for each client in our membership. If serving an entire brokerage, that can be considered 1 client.

Trestle Site

Trestle Documentation

*Corelogic charges a monthly fee for an account on Trestle. This is independent of any fees the MLS changes for data licensing. Trestle has plans starting at $100/month.

Trestle Pricing



Definition: An individual real estate agent wanting to build a personal website or other use case with MLS data integrated.

  • Step 1 - Coordinate with your Tech Provider to establish your license on Trestle.
  • Step 2 -  Agree upon the dataset that best suits your needs and is supported by your Tech Provider.
  • Step 3 - Your Tech Provider initiates this request for an agreement.
  • Step 4 - The agreement signing process is managed via Trestle – Authentisign. Be on the lookout for these emails.
  • Step 5 - This is a 4-party agreement between the Tech Provider, you, your Principal Broker, and MLO.
  • Step 6 - Once approved, your Tech Provider is authorized to provide you with MLS Data.



Definition: Real estate brokerage firm or organization.

Scenario 1 - Broker needs to sign the agreement for their agents wanting an IDX Feed via Trestle

  • Step 1- Sign the agreement once sent to you via Authentisign via email. From there, it will go to the agent to sign.

Scenario 2 - For brokerages wanting to integrate MLS data into their website or back-office processes for their internal use.

  • Step 1 - The process is the same as an agent but have the Principal Broker/Broker in Charge sign as the broker and the agent on the agreement.

***If your brokerage wishes to use MLS data internally without engaging a third party, then the brokerage should establish an account on Trestle as a Tech Provider.



Definition: Multi Listing Service Provider like HiCentral MLS that provides real estate data to its members

  • Step 1 - Once the tech provider, brokerage, and agent have signed the Trestle agreement, the MLS will sign last as the 4th party to the agreement.
  • Step 2 - Upon completion of the agreement, the MLS will activate the credential.
  • Step 3 - At that point, the data is allowed to be pulled, and billing occurs.



  • All billing is assessed against the Tech Provider. The Tech Provider may opt to pass this cost onto the client.
  • We offer 2 versions of our data:
    • Matrix Direct Feed – This is our data as it is stored natively in our Matrix system. This data is delivered via RETS technology.
    • Trestle Feed – This is our data transformed into the RESO standard. This data is delivered via API technology.
    • All our data feeds are available in both RETS and API and are delivered via the Trestle platform.




Please contact:
Bruce Wee
[email protected]
(808) 792-4933


Contact Us

Knowledge Base:

HiCentral MLS Knowledge Base


[email protected]



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