In this article, we'll show you how to create an unbranded YouTube channel that you can use to host your virtual tour videos in Matrix.
A video version of these instructions is also available at:
Note: The YouTube channel that you use to host virtual tour videos in Matrix must not include any branding - it should not include your name, company name, logo, contact info, etc.
Go to
If you're not already signed in, click on the Sign In button in the upper right. Sign in using your Google or Gmail account.
In the upper right corner, click on the round icon - the icon could be your profile photo or initials.
From the drop down menu, click on Settings.
Click on Add or manage your channel(s)
Click on Create a new channel
Enter a name for your channel in the Brand Account name text box. Remember: You are creating a non-branded channel to be shared in the MLS. So, make sure the name is generic - do not use your name or your company name.
That's it. You have a YouTube channel!
Now that you have a channel, you can upload a video by clicking on the UPLOAD VIDEO button in the center of the screen or the Create a video or a post icon in the upper right.
Click on the SELECT FILE button and navigate to your video.
Select your video and click on the Open button.
Your video will begin uploading. This will take a few minutes. While you wait, you can edit the title of your video and add a description. Be sure that you do not include your name, company name, or any contact information. When you're done with the title and description, click Next.
Select "No, it's not made for kids" and click on Next.
You'll see a page where you can add an end screen and cards. Skip this for now and click Next.
You'll see a page where you can set the video's visibility. You can either choose Public or Unlisted.
- Public would make this video available to everyone and the video would show up in YouTube search results.
- Unlisted would make this video available to only people who have a link to the video.
I'll choose Unlisted and click on Save.
You'll see that the video is published. You can copy the link to the video by clicking on the copy icon. This is the link/URL that you paste into the Matrix virtual tour module.
To add your video to the Matrix Virtual Tours module, go to the Matrix input module and select the listing that you want to update. Click on Manage Virtual Tours
Paste your video's URL/link into the text box and click on Submit listing.