Advocacy Updates

Short-Term Rental Update - September 2, 2021

Thank you to all our members who completed the survey on the proposed short-term rental proposed amended ordinance; your feedback was invaluable. HBR, with our City Affairs Committee, submitted testimony to the planning commission highlighting the major concerns, including:

  • Amending the definition of Bed & Breakfast Home and Transient Vacation Unit from 30 days to 180 days (page 36, section 24). At the planning commission meeting, DPP mentioned they will be revisiting this matter and updates to come.
  • Section 21-5.730.2, where it indicates that each natural person may own no more than one dwelling unit that is registered as a B&B or TVU.
  • Section 21-5.360.1, which requires owners of units in a Condominium Hotel to both use the front desk for the management of their unit and include their unit in the hotel’s room inventory, as well as mandating owners to pay full rate for the personal use of their own private real property. 

View HBR’s submitted testimony and survey results report

HBR and CAC remain committed to being a part of the solution and promote a model that creates opportunities for local families and investors while preserving and protecting our limited resources of accessible housing and livable communities. We will be working with the DPP, City Council, administration, and the community to continue this dialogue.

The planning commission is scheduled to continue the hearing on this proposed ordinance on September 8th at 12 PM. Once the planning commission concludes their meetings, they will make recommendations and the bill will be referred to the City Council for formal introduction, after which several public hearings will take place.


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