Advocacy Updates

Short-Term Rental (Bill 41) Update

Bill 41 will have its 1st reading at the City Council’s November 10th meeting. The Department of Planning and Permitting has submitted an updated draft with amendments from the planning commission - Bill 41, CD1, both of these measures will be discussed on November 10th.

Highlights of Bill 41, CD1: click to view full-size image

What is HBR doing:

  • HBR and its City Affairs Committee are currently meeting with the Councilmembers to share our members' concerns and the anticipated impacts Bill 41 would have on the real estate industry.
  • Researching and collecting relevant data to both strategize and share with the council.
  • Conducting member and media outreach.

What you can do:

What’s next?

  • After the City Council’s 1st reading, Bill 41 will be referred to the zoning and planning committee and at the earliest be heard in committee on November 18th.
  • The City Council will hold a minimum of 3 full council hearings and 2 committee hearings on this bill and all will allow for public testimony.

Want to reach out to your City Council Member?

  • We have included the details for all councilmembers but you and your client can also find your Councilmember’s contact information here.

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