Advocacy Updates

HBR Submits Testimony Opposing Bill 41

HBR submitted testimony on the proposed CD1 to Bill 41 (2021) at a special committee meeting of the Committee on Zoning and Planning on January 20th. One of Councilmember Elefante’s proposed changes is a 90-day rental requirement (from 180 days). You can view HBR’s submitted testimony here.

Update - 01/26/2022:

While we like that the bill adds enforcement allowed by DPP and removes hotels and condos, we still oppose amending the definition of B&Bs and TVUs from 30 days to 90 days. HBR was one of many testimonies opposing this bill.

The latest version Bill 41 (2021), CD1 will be reported to 2nd reading for public hearing at the next Council meeting on January 26th. HBR’s City Affairs Committee and TVU Task Group are working on testimony to be submitted at this meeting.

We will continue to provide updates to our members as they become available.

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