HBR and our City Affairs Committee leadership continue to meet with various Councilmembers to voice our concerns about Bill 41. Last month we met with DPP Director Dean Uchida and have a meeting scheduled with Mayor Blangiardi in a few weeks.
We maintain our position that the minimum rental requirement should remain at 30 days and that a simple solution for enforcement is to eliminate advertising of weekly/nightly rates.
Bill 41, CD1 is expected to be heard next at the Zoning and Planning Committee meeting on March 23. Please call and email your councilmembers and let them know you are against this bill and also continue to submit testimony in opposition of Bill 41.
In related legislation, Bill 4, which addresses real property tax, particularly for short-term rentals, was deferred in Budget Committee and postponed for discussion at a later time.
HBR and CAC will provide updates to members as they become available.