Advocacy Updates

Real Property Tax Payment Installment Plan for 2nd installment

HBR supported resolution 20-311 that the Honolulu City Council passed, which supported allowing the second installment of real property tax payments for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 due on February 22, 2021, to be paid in four (4) monthly installments.

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Updating the Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements

In late December 2020, Mayor Kirk Caldwell signed Bill 2 (2020) – now ordinance 20-41, approved by the then Honolulu City Council. This Bill, developed in part from the Oahu Resilience Strategy, is focused on cutting carbon emissions and hopefully streamlining the permitting process.

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Growing Concern Over Shoreline Erosion and Sea Level Rise

Due to our concentrated shoreline development and our remote location in the central Pacific, we are vulnerable to impacts from both shoreline erosion and sea level rise. These issues are a growing concern here on O’ahu.

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Real Property Tax Update

Honolulu City Council passed the following measures related to Real Property Tax:

Real Property Tax Rate Set for 2020-2021

Honolulu City Council introduced and passed Resolution 20-64, which sets real property taxes for Fiscal budget Year 2020-2021. The real property tax rates remain the same except for a $0.50 increase from $13.40 to $13.90 for Class B – Hotel and Resort and the addition of the Bed and Breakfast home property tax class at a tax rate of $6.50. We are glad to see that there is no change in Residential or Residential A (Tier 1 & Tier 2) tax rates.

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