Advocacy Updates

City Council Races Head to the General Election

If a candidate does not win at least 50 percent plus one of the Primary Election vote, then the top two candidates in each council race will face off in the General Election. Blank votes are eliminated when calculating this final percentage.

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Property Tax Relief Proposed for East Honolulu Flooding


Bill 36 introduced by budget chair Trevor Ozawa (District 4 – East Honolulu) heads to second reading before City Council on Wednesday, May 9. The bill would provide real property tax relief for property damaged or destroyed as a result of natural disaster – specifically the flood of April 13.

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City Council Special Budget Committee Hearing Schedule

Honolulu City Council Budget Chair Trevor Ozawa along with Vice Chair Ann Kobayashi will begin budget briefings for the 2018/2019 Fiscal Year on Wednesday, April 11, at 9 am at Honolulu Hale. The agenda includes review of the legislative budget, the executive operating and capital budgets, and Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART) executive and operating budgets.

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Tax Relief Bill for Sprinkler Retrofit Heads to Last Reading

City Council Bill 101 provides real property tax relief for installation of an automatic sprinkler system on an owner's high-rise condominium property. An owner of a residential unit in an existing high-rise residential would be entitled to up to a $2,000 tax credit against the owner's real property tax liability if an automatic sprinkler system is either installed throughout the high-rise building or the common areas of the existing residential high-rise building. Existing high-rise residential building means any building that has floors used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet above the highest grade, contains dwelling units, and which was erected prior to 1993.  The credit will be applied against real property tax liability for the tax year immediately following approval.

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