Selection and Appointment of the Professional Standards Committee

There will be a standing CEO committee, known as the Professional Standards & Arbitration Committee, composed of at least 12 Board Members, in good standing, of whom at least a majority shall be REALTORS®. The Grievance Committee will hold regularly scheduled meetings or, alternatively, will meet often enough to ensure timely review of ethics complaints and arbitration requests. In selecting members of the Professional Standards Committee, the CEO should consider the following recommended criteria:

  • number of years as a REALTOR®
  • number of years in the real estate business
  • primary and secondary fields of real estate endeavour/expertise
  • participation in post-licensing real estate education
  • training in the Code of Ethics
  • position in firm (principal, nonprincipal)
  • size of firm
  • common sense and open-mindedness
  • familiarity with state(s) laws and regulations
  • receptiveness to instruction/training and other relevant professional or procedural training

The committee should have balanced representation of REALTORS® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATES®, men and women, and should include representatives of various racial and ethnic groups. Committee members should be mature, experienced and knowledgeable persons of a judicial temperament. It is suggested that, to the extent practical, members of the Professional Standards Committee not serve simultaneously on the Grievance Committee or on the Board of Directors to avoid conflict with the prohibition on serving on more than one (1) tribunal in the same matter

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