Honolulu Board of REALTORS® Member Logo Use
As a member of the Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, you are encouraged to use the HBR Member logo to promote yourself and your expertise as a Honolulu REALTOR®.
- You must use the HBR Member logo in conjunction with your name and your firm's name.
- You may use the HBR Member logo online (social media and websites) or in your print collateral (business cards, letterhead, banners, t-shirts, etc.)
- The logo is available in REALTOR® Blue (PMS 293), black or "reverse white," which should appear over a solid color (not a pattern or photograph).
- You may download .png files by clicking on the below links. Note: .png files are suitable for use online or in PowerPoint presentations; should you require print-quality logos (.eps), please contact HBR's Communications Administrator at 808-792-4938.
Download color HBR Member logo (right-click to save image)
Download black HBR Member logo (right-click to save image)
Download reverse white HBR Member logo (right-click to save image)
Logo Graphic Standards
To preserve the integrity of the Honolulu Board of REALTORS® brand, please read and follow the following guidelines:
Area of Isolation
Ensure a reasonable amount of space around all sides of the logo to maintain appropriate distance from other graphic objects and the edge of piece.
Unacceptable Usage
Do NOT alter any part of the logo, including the icon, typography, scale, color or proportion.
Incorrect use |
Incorrect use |
Incorrect use |