Advocacy Updates

BIA Champions Change in Historic Preservation Law

The Hawaii state legislature has passed H.B. 830, C.D. 1, SHPD Exemption.

Gladys Quinto Marrone, chief executive officer of the Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA Hawaii) reported, “Tue., May 5, the legislature passed H.B. 830, C.D. 1, which provides for an exemption from the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) review of proposed projects on privately-owned, single-family detached dwelling units and townhouses that are not designated on or nominated for the Hawaii or national register of historic places, and are not located in a historic district. 

Our champion in the legislature is Rep. Ryan Yamane (Mililani, Waipio Gentry, Waikele), who is chair of the Water & Land Committee. Whether he is your legislator or not, a quick thank you ([email protected]) would be greatly appreciated. On the Senate side, Sen. Laura H. Thielen ([email protected]) and Senator Brian Taniguchi ([email protected]) were both very instrumental in also getting this bill passed.”

Current application of the Historic Preservation Law requires review by the SHPD of the Department of Land and Natural Resources prior to the granting of permits for proposed projects on historic properties. In certain instances, this requirement has delayed the granting of permits for a period of many months, which has had an adverse effect on the construction industry.

By Jennifer Andrews


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