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Bill 35 Amends Low Income Tax Credit

Council Members Ann Kobayashi and Joey Manahan introduced Bill 35, which would amend the city’s real property tax credit program. The bill changes the 4 percent titleholder’s income provision to 3 percent, resulting in a real property tax credit for each recipient in the amount that exceeds 3 percent of their income. The income threshold would remain at $60,000; however, the bill also proposes a tax credit cap of $6,000.

The bill is intended to provide tax relief to those most in need: owner-occupants of lower income levels. But, according to the administration, the cap adversely affects 18 of the 2,426 applicants who would face an average increase in real property taxes of $1,204. The additional tax credit does result in approximately $161,000 in lost revenue to the city, but the administration has recommended that the proposed cap be removed from the bill so that the low-income property owners are not burdened by the tax increase. 

The bill is scheduled to be heard by the Budget Committee Chaired by Kobayashi Wed., July 15, at 9 a.m.


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