HBR News

Monster Bill Heads to Final Reading

Bill 53, which addresses the proliferation of monster homes, will be voted on Wednesday, September 12, in its last hearing before City Council. The bill attempts to strengthen enforcement provisions for buildings and structures erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, or converted without the necessary permits.  

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Expedited Building Permit Bill Moves

Council Chair Ernie Martin is making his final push to reduce the City’s building permit backlog before leaving office. Bill 65, introduced by Martin, would allow for an expedited process for building permits for one- and two-family dwellings and would aid in addressing Oahu’s housing inventory challenges. 

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Update Your Browser!

To maintain the highest level of security for your data and keep us in line with industry wide best practices, Clareity is ending support for TLS 1.0 on July 17, 2018. TLS is a protocol used in your browser that provides secure communications on the Internet for such things as email, instant messaging and other data transfers. If you are using any of the following browser versions to access the Clareity MLS dashboard, you will need to update by July 17, 2018 to prevent disruption of service.

  • Chrome Version 21 or below (current version 65)
  • Android Version 5.0 or below (current version 8.1)
  • Firefox Version 26 or below (current version 59)
  • IE 10 or below (current version 11)
  • Opera version 13 or below (current version 52)
  • Safari 6 or below (current version 11)

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