HBR News

Housing First Program Demonstrates Success

The City and County of Honolulu’s Housing First initiative launched in 2015 has demonstrated sustained positive outcomes through its second year, according to a new evaluation prepared by the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Social Sciences. The study of the city’s Housing First contract with the Institute for Human Services show an overall housing retention rate of 89 percent. Formerly homeless individuals showed increased general health and significant decreases in alcohol and drug use, arrests, and medical expenses after entering the Housing First program.

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City Council Begins Budget Briefings

Budgeting is a key public policy-making process. Because the city’s financial resources are limited, the budget becomes a means for public policymakers to choose between competing requests. In answering the question “Who gets what?” the council establishes the goals of city government and, consequently, prescribes the values and priorities of the city.

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Bill 8 Addresses Mixed Use Property Taxes

For years, city administration has struggled to monitor and maintain records involved in real property tax assessments for mixed-use properties. Owners of these units pay property taxes based on the higher valued commercial use of the property, as well as the residential use, which provides a lower tax rate. 

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