HBR News

TOD Land Use Ordinance Amendment Proposed

Resolution 15-227, introduced by council members Trevor Ozawa and Ann Kobayashi, directs the Department of Planning and Permitting to process an amendment to the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) concerning transit-oriented development (TOD) plans. The ordinance currently provides a procedure for creating special districts around rail transit stations, known as transit-oriented development or TOD zones, and establishing regulations to encourage appropriate development in these zones.

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Bill 72 Amends Real Property Tax For Commercial Property

Council Member Kimberly Pine introduced Bill 72 so that if a parcel of land classified as commercial is improved with a single-family dwelling and has been granted a home exemption for the tax year, that portion of the parcel that is used for residential purposes is classified as residential. The classification would apply only to the portion used for residential purpose and may not exceed a specific percentage of square feet of land and the buildings and improvements on that land. The property tax classification would remain in effect only so long as the property qualifies for a home exemption.

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