Advocacy Updates

$55M in GET collected for rail construction

The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) received $55.1 million in General Excise and Use Tax (GET) surcharge revenue for the third quarter of calendar year 2016. The quarterly installment of GET surcharge revenue covers the months of July, August and September, and is about $4 million dollars less than was estimated for the quarter based on the project’s current financial plan. HART is presently updating the financial plan and project budget

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Three Easy Ways to Register to Vote

It's not too late to register to vote in the general election, and there are three easy ways to register.

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Condemnation Policy Passed by Budget Chair Kobayashi

Resolution 169, introduced by councilmember Ann Kobayashi, would establish a council policy to suspend any council approval for acquisition of real property along the rail transit line. According to the resolution, a June 6, 2016, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) letter sent to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) and the administration criticized the lack of cost containment on the rail project, which has increased from an original project cost of $5.2B to $8.3B.

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Manahan Introduces Road Rage Bill


Council Member Joey Manahan introduced Bill 50 in an attempt to reduce “road rage” on Oahu streets and highways. The bill specifically prohibits behaviors that provoke or aggravate incidents that threaten public health and safety. It was introduced on the heels of a recent action near Waikele that shut down multiple lanes and caused rush-hour gridlock to west Oahu.

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